what gear should i bring to this three week long vacation?
this query flitted through my mind ever since the airline tickets were booked. at some point it was a matter of what not to bring to this vacation?
one thing was certain though - i decided early on to bring the digital camera. despite mainly utilizing film cameras for my various trips this year, lugging about three weeks worth of film of various formats wasn't something i wanted to do. especially not without some kind of proper storage. so it was decided that i only needed to bring one analog camera for my 366 project - no questions asked, the Flexaret VII takes the cake. along with it some 15 rolls of 120 film, all stored in sad ziploc bags.
it seemed logical to bring a digital camera, especially when a vacation involves traversing four major cities and a lot of driving in between. i actually intended to only bring my main lens - the 35mm - and a telephoto lens for the wedding. but then CW got himself a brand spankin' new wide angle Tokina and after somewhat of a half-serious suggestion, it was decided that i should bring it for the sake of taking awesome landscape photos. not that i'm complaining. i get to try out a wide angle lens, and to top it off, at a rather scenic destination to boot. my only concern is the added pounds on my bag which i fear will rip the bag apart, but that's the reason i got a bag like this - to withstand the ripping apart, i hope. and mayhaps burn some calories at the same time.
so, three weeks is a decent amount of time for a vacation - perhaps a little rushed for this itinerary. but there isn't any doubt that a good time will be had by all. i hope to find some awesome vinyls and CDs.