i didn't get much - if not, any - sleep during the eight hour flight to Adelaide, but i didn't care if my body was demanding for sleep because i was too excited to be here back in Adelaide after six years!
and to be here again, this time for a huge interstate roadtrip is another thing to be really excited about. what lay in front of us for the next three weeks was something i couldn't possibly imagine in my wildest dreams. taking it one day at a time was the least i could do so that it all doesn't blend and mesh together like one haphazard half-forgotten dream. i'm being selfish here when i say i want to recall every single detail of my days spent enjoying delicious food, feeling the cool breeze slap my face and throw my hair into countless directions, and simply breathing in an entirely new atmosphere of being a foreigner in a new environment. ah, the spirit of traveling!
now that i have that out of my system, my only regret is not taking more pictures! while i relegated most of my pictures to the digital SLR, i really wish i had paid more attention to the TLR because at the end of the day, the film pictures seem all to familiar to the ones already taken with the digital SLR. nothing new, except that it's on film. i feel ashamed for not thinking this through. somehow, i still have a lot to learn in managing the two mediums and perhaps concentrating on my main priority - of not giving a shit and just taking some damn pictures.
Meopta Flexaret VII
Kodak Ektacolor Pro 160