2014 came and went with only 12 entries - averaging one post a month. by far the least i have posted on 23, and it certainly feels like the least photographs i have taken since i started picking up photography. where did the romance go? what happened to the photographer's mantra of bringing a camera everywhere he goes? what about all those unused films i have yet to expose?
it's not to say that i've given up photography completely - i've been procrastinating blogging about them. to a certain extent, it is true what they say about Web 2.0 killing blogging. why put in all the extra word counts in a medium no one reads anymore, when you can instantly publish your words and pictures with the tap of your cellphone screen? i know i've fallen prey to Instagram and all its surface prettiness, and how fundamentally simple it is to convey my photographs to the small audience i have. all with just a little bit of VSCO Cam shoeshine, a painfully bland upbeat caption that doesn't span more than 140 characters, some hashtags to bloat your likes, and you're good to go.
outside of my cellphone, i still take photographs with my DSLR. in fact, in the interim of my absence from 23, i have upgraded my 400D into a 6D. i have blogged about my desire to upgrade my gear, and to finally make the leap into full frame felt absolutely liberating to say the least. i have full rein of my gear, and the only thing that's stopping me from taking more photographs is me! well, to be fair the disappointment of adulthood catches up with you, and you find yourself doing more of the things you have to do, rather than the things you'd rather do. this entry is starting to sound like a disgruntled twenty-something's displeasure for the system. it's not like i've been completely devoid of the pleasure of photography. i'm just displeased at how much less photographs i've been taking over the last three years, and how i can't be arsed to do something about it. or have i?
the other thing i have been doing during my absence is attempting to finish off all my rolls of 120 film! the final roll has been quite a slow one, what with the many lazy weekends at home that ultimately led me to realize that 2015 is nearly one quarter over! fingers crossed that i'll actually finish that final roll of 120 film before the year ends. and don't get me started on the 35mm films. many a times i ponder on yet another 365 project to finish off my films, or at least dedicate a block of time to rekindle my love for film photography. but my new 6D - she's so shiny. and new. and awesome.