the best thing about disposable cameras is how one only needs to consider one thing before taking a photograph - is well lit enough that i don't need to use the flash? the practicality of such cameras is made all the more rewarding by the fact that the pictures come out better than i had expected. perhaps this is due to my usage of expired films for past five or so rolls that i had forgotten how freshly made films turn out. where there is colour, the colours are saturated beautifully. pictures come out sharp despite the plastic lens, unlike the lomography line of cameras. and for an ISO400 film, the grain is hardly noticeable. had i known that these make for great photographs, i'd have picked up some more in my last trip to Tokyo. at less than 1000yen a pop, it's a great novelty camera. it's too bad they go for triple the price on ebay. i won't be holding my breath for those.
Fujifilm Simple Ace Disposable Camera