5 Dec.


five days into December, and i'm not quite sure what the purpose of this little project really is. on the surface, it looks like a mini-365 project, albeit a December affair. although i do treat this entity somewhat as a warm up to 2012's 366 project, i'd like to think of it more as a photo essay project for the last month of the year 2011. this month is significant for me in that i want to believe that i've switched tracks from one i have previously dragged myself on for the past two years. perhaps December of 2011 might as well be a transitional period for me, however mundane it may be - yet, another month in the lifetime of the universe.

despite the optimism as to the identity of this undertaking, i seem to be quickly approaching a wall in terms of my writing. photos aren't too big of a deal for me, but writing has never been my forte. writing about how i'm about to crash into a wall isn't the most original of writings, and certainly something i shouldn't have written about in the first place. maybe i should treat this roadblock as more of a thought process as well as steps to growing up. i've hit my fair share of roadblocks, and certainly i didn't have much of a choice but to either circumvent it or plow through it.

i didn't do much today, except hum a whole lot of nu metal tunes while commuting to campus today. i found it rather amusing.

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