there was a time when i could plough through a roll of film in a single day taking pictures of everything and anything in a so called self-discovery of sorts. inspired by the likes of Patrick Tsai's Talking Barnacles, back then the endeavour was clearly not impossible when a roll of fresh film cost less than RM10. it is indeed disappointing that a roll of Fujifilm Superia 200 now costs nearly three times what it used to be. granted, the circumstances surrounding the film photography industry and the shitty economy ensures that every shot now counts - a mental conditioning that makes it rather difficult for yours truly to completely expose a paltry 24 exposure roll over the span of a weekend. nonetheless, i am making some modicum of effort to finish exposing these expired rolls of film i vowed to expose many years ago. this is certainly some form of insanity - saying the same thing over and over again expecting different results. perhaps it is now time to act on this insanity.
Canon AE-1
Fujifilm Superia 200 (Expired)
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