Lake Garden, Kuala Lumpur






Meopta Flexaret VII
Expired Fujifilm Provia 400 [Cross-processed]

ah, woe is me when it comes to using expired films. even with just a little shade, details become enveloped by the shadows (picture number two and three). prior to using this film, i did some research and the general consensus for expired slide films is to underexpose your shots a little bit, but perhaps that applies if you plan to develop your expired film in E-6 rather than cross-process it? i wouldn't know, since there isn't a decent place in Kuala Lumpur that does E-6 developing (besides the notorious E-Six). the Provia produces gorgeous hues when processed properly and if i had a choice, it'd be the one slide film i hoard until the death of film. i'd hate to see this film go to waste by cross-processing it - i don't quite fancy the green-ish red hue that comes with it. another downside to expired 120 films is how the backing paper markings seems to burn onto the film. in the right situation, it looks kind of funky, but i wouldn't want it in all of my shots.

i still have a bunch of expired films that i am actually afraid of using, no thanks to the blunder of one of my rolls of ISO800 film. having been striving for perfection in my pictures, i don't think i can afford to rely on the unpredictability of expired films. this is the last time i purchase expired films in bulk.


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not much has happened photography-wise, but i crossed off one item in my list of photography-related accessories i wanted to obtain before 2012 ends. the Superheadz 35mm film adapter for the Holga 120N is a breath of fresh air and it feels somewhat liberating (within the confines of a lomography camera, which isn't to say, very liberating at all). the novelty of sprocket holes in my pictures was what drew me to the adapter. i thoroughly enjoyed the lomography aesthetic of not thinking and just shooting back when i first started out with film, but after many months of operating a fully realized manual film camera, i felt weird and very awkward as i operated the Holga 120N. since the last time i took the Holga out, i still haven't quite gotten used to the bulkiness and clumsy shutter placement of the Holga 120N. every view through the useless viewfinder and click of the shutter is an exercise in awkwardness and a slight tinge of frustration. for a camera belonging to the "don't think, just shoot" ideology, the Holga 120N is seriously one of those cameras where i had to pause for a moment before taking a picture, every time. will my subjects be in the frame? is it bright enough? will i need to use a first shutter curtain sync with the flash? have i fucking forwarded the damn film??

perhaps i have been spoiled by the precision and functionality of a fully realized camera. as of late my pictures have eschewed the essence of spontaneity. i tend to have a picture of what i want to take in my mind and work it around the logistics, environmental factors, and equipment i have on hand. it basically cuts out a huge chunk of spontaneity and only within a set of parameters will i take my shots. i'd like to think that my months of shooting with the Flexaret has made me follow a simple blueprint for taking pictures.

i don't think i will be shooting much for the weeks to come until Australia. i will, however, make an entry of the gear i plan to bring.