my everlasting tirade against Facebook




having being spoiled by Google+'s awesomely sized photo uploads, i find it hard to return to Facebook for photo sharing. a couple of days ago i attempted to share my first two rolls of photos from the Canon EOS 500 N on Facebook and to my surprise, Facebook's new photo viewer disappointed me immensely. i didn't like how my photos looked on the new and "revamped" viewer and my photos are still in a paltry 500-something pixel width size. uploading that set of photos seemed to do no justice to my eyes, hence i decided i was better off deleting the entire album off Facebook. i don't "glorify" my photos as being the greatest bunch of photos ever taken, but i feel like i'm not doing them justice by shrinking them to SD-sized proportions. i like 'em large and hogging your bandwidth.

for now, it's Google+ and my blog where my photos shall be found.

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