Tokyo On Film

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the last time i used the Contax T2 was at the end of 2012 when i made a trip down to Singapore. two and a half years later right before i left to catch my flight to Tokyo, i pondered for a good five minutes on whether i ought to bring the T2 with me. past experiences certainly have taught me that one shouldn't carry too many cameras with them, for fear of losing focus when deciding which camera to wield. past experiences (undocumented here, for some reason!) have also yielded that my T2 isn't up to it any more, especially when it came to focusing in the night time. the odd focal plane is fine and dandy if i were more into the spontaneity and oddity of slightly malfunctioning cameras, but most of the time i'd rather have my camera functioning as it is intended to. hence the good five minutes of second-guessing the T2's worth in this trip.

yet i couldn't help myself, because this T2 came in a packet straight from Tokyo - a film camera i had been pining for ever since i first read Tokyo Camera Style, coincidentally the tumblr blog that changed my view towards photography as a medium. a film camera that i boldly bid at the maximum amount i was willing to pay and woke up the next morning to find out i had won the bid. for a lack of solid rationality, nostalgia had won this round, hence i stuffed the camera into my camera bag. the T2 was consciously designated the secondary camera, and it shows because pieces of the whole are missing, yet it complements the overall picture, somewhat.

i'm not incredibly happy that i didn't use the T2 to its full potential, maybe because of my preoccupation with the DSLR and by the general fact that I WAS IN TOKYO. nevertheless, the T2 made a return visit to its homeland, took some pictures that turned out rather okay, and somehow still managed to achieve certain expectations. one of them being that the focus is absolutely fucked.

Contax T2
Fuji Pro 400H

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