Days with Chloe

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google maps. convoluted roads of greater Kuala Lumpur. sunday drivers. lengthy discourses. the potent whiff of coffee. painstakingly taking photographs of our meals. oh, and cake. lots and lots of cake.

when i am out with Chloe for a weekend brunch fix, a plethora of situations transpire, of which most of them involve the details mentioned above. Sundays are always the best for cafe hopping - everyone is at ease and in a chipper mood (unless they're on the road), the light shines somewhat differently, that first sip of coffee elicits a deep sense of elation, and the conversations drift aimlessly as the afternoon progresses. over our cups of coffee we discuss our muses, our aspirations, our disappointments, anxieties, loves, meals we've had, gossip - all in hushed tones among the crowd of young people yet to realize the ennui of adulthood. and we move on, to the next cafe, hoping to find a delectable dessert to arrest the sourness of everyday life - if only for that afternoon. we drove a lot, from the heart of the muddy confluence, to the fringes of Putrajaya. a temporary getaway from the ennui plaguing our lives, at least for yours truly. what better way to feel bored than to feel bored together with someday else.

thank you for all the coffee days! Montreal is cold, but i'm certain there are plenty of fantastic coffee joints around the city.

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