12 Dec.

Dream observer

my dreams are like the movies i have watched more than once, where i can somehow recall the dialogue and the pivotal moments when something is going to happen to the character(s) - the deus ex machinas, the Chekov's guns, the plot twists, the denouement. oftentimes in my dreams there is no denouement - anything close to that is just me waking up and reaching for my cellphone to find out what time it is. i'm living a waking dream where there's plenty of stories without its denouements, and sooner or later it will eventually just fade into nothingness. it's as if any form of resolution is absolutely unnecessary, and somehow the entropy dissipates into thin air, leaving nothing nor any form of guilt. for better or worse, some moments that you sweep under the rug never come back to haunt you, like my dreams that don't mean anything but merely an interpretation of my subconscious. maybe my dreams are looking for a form of denouement for everything i have been observing in my waking state.

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