7 Dec.

The Rain Series: Uniform

for the past six months i followed a relatively fixed routine on weekdays i went to campus - taking a certain amount of time to shower, have breakfast, getting to campus (barring any sort of fucked traffic), and my usual laboratory workflow which i usually plan the day before before i head home from after a day's work. it seems to me like this kind of uniformity has kept me on the verge of insanity for the last two months, but knowing that i was about to reach the end during the last three weeks kept me motivated and driven. at times i find it difficult to accept how deeply i usually sink myself into my routine. controlled by my subconscious to filter out the distractions and focus on achieving my designated target or possibly face the retribution of feeling like shit for not doing anything at all. keeping me sane, however, are those little things i like to do as a reward for dealing with all the daily shenanigans - like the occasional caramel macchiato, trips to Kinokuniya, sending and picking up films, and nasi briyani. i'm pretty much looking forward to these things to keep me from driving my car off the flyover at 200 kmph.

and the photowalks, too.

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